The Truth About "Human Growth Hormone"
There is a great deal of buzz surrounding the term "Human Growth Hormone" or "HGH" these days.
Long understood for its role in human growth and development, HGH has recently begun to be recognized for its regenerative and anti-aging properties. Exciting new research points to the use of HGH in the reduction of wrinkles, weight loss, memory improvement, libido enhancement, and more.

But is the hype really true?!?
The answer is: It depends. Let's have a look at what Human Growth Hormone actually is - and how it can be used for its regenerative properties.
What Is Human Growth Hormone?
Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, is a hormone that is secreted from the pituitary gland (located at the base of your brain, near the front). It stimulates human growth and cell reproduction and regeneration.
As you age, your body naturally produces less HGH. You are no longer growing (like when you were a child or teenager), so you no longer need to generate as many new cells on a regular basis.
And that's fine. But the loss of HGH is also what makes you age.

That's because HGH is not only responsible for skin cell growth; it also governs other bodily functions such as your metabolism, brain function, sexual responsiveness, ability to heal, muscle growth, weight loss, memory, and more.
Notice that all of the bodily functions governed by HGH are the areas that begin to suffer as you age.
For example, as HGH levels drop, your skin tone deadens, wrinkles appear, and skin slackens. That's because you no longer have the skin cell regeneration power of your youth.
As HGH levels continue to drop, you don't sleep as well anymore. You notice a decrease in your sex drive. That is a direct result of shifting hormone levels, plus changes in blood pressure and skin sensitivity - all of which are governed by HGH.

... Your muscle tone diminishes as your body begins to store more fat. This is due to decreased cell production and a reduced metabolic rate.
... Your clarity of thought and memory begin to suffer. Again, this is due to the slower rejuvenation of cells, this time in your brain.
The fact is, HGH, directly and indirectly, affects almost every part of your body.
Now, let's discuss methods of replacing HGH in your body to counteract some of the effects of the aging process.
Harnessing the Power of HGH
There are three treatment options for using HGH to counteract the effects of aging.
First, HGH can be injected into the patient. This is an effective treatment method, but injections don't last long and must be repeated often, rendering this method extremely expensive and inaccessible to most people.
Second, HGH can be ingested. This, however, is highly ineffective since HGH is incompatible with the digestive system and cannot be processed by your body.

Third, and most reliable, is a method of stimulating your body to produce its own HGH. This method is effective because a blend of proteins, amino acids, herbs, and other nutrients work together to target the anterior pituitary gland, causing it to produce and secrete more HGH into your body.
The result is that your body functions begin to improve and work like that of a much younger person.
To find out more about how you can stimulate the production of HGH in your body and combat wrinkles, muscle loss, weight gain, a lagging libido, and the many other ailments of aging, go to

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